Marigold Peel Fresh Less Sugar Mango 250ml


Available in both Regular (9 flavours) and No Sugar Added Range (6 flavours),  PEEL FRESH juices are fortified with Vitamins A, C and E that give you more nutritious goodness in every drop.
PEEL FRESH – Any Fresher, You’ll Have to Peel it Yourself.
Storage Requirements: Keep Refrigerated (below 4°c

Maximum quantity is 5

PEEL FRESH has been a long-standing homegrown brand, delighting Malaysians of all ages for over 20 years. Packed with vitamins and juicy goodness, PEEL FRESH continues to refresh Malaysians today with great tasting juices.  PEEL FRESH is also available in the No Sugar Added range for health-conscious consumers.
Reigning as Malaysia’s favourite Chilled Juice Drink and Gold Award winner of the Readers Digest Trusted Brand Award for many consecutive years,  PEEL FRESH range of fruit juices is a refreshing and healthy drink to complement your meal or on its own.